This case study shows what can happen when the wire that gives tractor tires their structure breaks off and becomes embedded in a horse’s mouth. This mare presented on emergency to the clinic for excessive salivation and a poor appetite. Upon obtaining a...
One of our most time sensitive emergencies is a dystocia, in which the foal is malpositioned within the mare during the birthing process and requires manipulation, or sometimes a c-section, to be born. Foals quickly start to lose their intrauterine life support system...
Image used with permission by the American Association of Equine Practitioners. By Amanda Sarbry, DVM, MBA The term “choke” in horses refers to an obstruction of the esophagus, a soft muscular tube that leads to the stomach. It is a common misconception that “choking”...
How can we best manage our horses during hot weather? By Sabrina Cooper, DVM, AVCA Hot weather presents challenges for horses, especially during exercise. Avoid riding during the hottest parts of the day, as exercise elevates body temperature. And, don’t forget, both...
Meet Reggie! Reggie is a 20-year-old Warmblood gelding that presented in early February for a facial laceration. On examination at the clinic, we found he had a maxillary bone (upper jaw) fracture at the site of the laceration that had displaced into his maxillary...
This handsome Friesian stallion was referred to BEMC, where he received aggressive fluid therapy to resolve his colic. Fred is a 13- year-old Friesian stallion that had been experiencing mild colic signs, a reduced appetite, and very reduced manure production for two...