This fluorescent light therapy system accelerates natural skin regeneration and aids in healing. We’ve been cataloging some impressive healing responses to our Phovia fluorescent light system. Photobiomodulation via fluorescent light has the ability to speed up...
Get $40 off per horse for all dental exams with equilibrations / floats performed at the clinic through the end of February 2024. The appointment includes a head-to-hoof wellness exam, comprehensive oral exam, and nutritional consultation. (Our average...
Watch for these 7 signs, and remember to schedule oral exams at least once a year. What are the signs your horse might be experiencing dental pain, either from recurrence of sharp enamel points and cheek/tongue ulcerations or from more overt dental disease such as...
This week’s warming weather is a reminder that Summer Solstice (June 21) is around the corner! The longer days mean our Central Oregon horses should almost be done trading in their winter fuzzies for sleek summer coats. But what if your horse isn’t shedding normally?...