Callie Meeder, DVM << Return to Our Vets and Staff page Small Animal Veterinarian Dr. Meeder is originally from the San Francisco Bay area, where she developed a love for animals. As a youth, she competed on the “A” hunter/jumper circuit throughout California....
Joanne Fehr, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, CAC, CVA << Return to Our Vets and Staff page Veterinarian Dr. Joanne Fehr is originally from across the pond, living in Scotland and England until her family moved to Wisconsin when she was sixteen. She attended the University...
Laura Deuerling, CVT << Return to Our Vets and Staff page Laura grew up in the Chicago suburbs and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Health Technology from Murray State University in Kentucky in 2016. She’s worked as a small animal technician...