This case study shows what can happen when the wire that gives tractor tires their structure breaks off and becomes embedded in a horse’s mouth. This mare presented on emergency to the clinic for excessive salivation and a poor appetite. Upon obtaining a...
Fluorescent Light Therapy helps speed wound healing in horses Phovia helps accelerate natural skin regeneration and is clinically proven to help horses recover faster. This modality is especially helpful for treating open or traumatic wounds, post-surgery incisions,...
Join us during our Winter Client Lecture Series to learn about how to properly feed your horses and donkeys. Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 6:30 p.m. Bend Equine Medical Center 19121 Couch Market Rd. Bend, OR 97703 Are you confused about what you should feed your horse?...
This fluorescent light therapy system accelerates natural skin regeneration and aids in healing. We’ve been cataloging some impressive healing responses to our Phovia fluorescent light system. Photobiomodulation via fluorescent light has the ability to speed up...
Join us on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 6:30 p.m. to learn about common equine health emergencies. Bend Equine Medical Center 19121 Couch Market Rd. Bend, OR 97703 Equine veterinary emergencies can range from horses with porcupine quills stuck in their muzzles to horses...