This case study shows what can happen when the wire that gives tractor tires their structure breaks off and becomes embedded in a horse’s mouth.

This mare presented on emergency to the clinic for excessive salivation and a poor appetite. Upon obtaining a history, we found she was interested in eating but appeared to have difficulty chewing.

On oral exam, we found that her tongue was slightly swollen with an associated red lesion (pictured below). She also appeared to have difficulty moving her tongue.

We took radiographs of her mouth and found a tiny wire.

We were able to remove the wire with the mare under standing sedation. We prescribed a course of antibiotics and Banamine (an NSAID that relieves pain and swelling), as well as a soft food diet for a few days until her tongue regained normal function.

We see a few cases similar to this every year, and they commonly result from using cable-framed tractor tires as hay troughs for horses. A thorough oral exam and radiographs are important whenever you have a case of sudden onset inappetence!

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